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"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." -Zora Neale Hurston.


Mental health issues in the juvenile justice system

Educational services in the juvenile justice system

Community-based alternatives to juvenile incarceration

Camera use in synchronous online classes


Christian, D. D., Adams, J. L., & Miedich, C. M. (2024). “Can I get some harder work?”: Former juvenile offenders narrated educational experiences in juvenile correctional facilities. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 13(1), 79-102.


Christian, D. D., Hendrickson, K. A., & Jadav, A. (2023). Cameras on or off in online synchronous courses? That is the question: An analysis of university faculty caring intelligence. Interactive Learning Environments. 


Christian, D. D. (2023). Mandatory mental health screening for justice-involved youth: A national priority. Youth Justice, 23(1), 49-57.


Christian, D. D. (2023). Environmental factors and delinquency: A snapshot of family, education, and drugs. AAJJRS Quarterly, 1(1), 12–14.


Bell, S. W., Christian, D. D., Adams, J. L., Gordon, E., Wicker, J., & Russo, C. (2023). The transition to academia: Perspectives of former criminal justice professionals. ACJS Today, 51(2), 1-12.


Christian, D. D. (2022). Education behind bars: A review of educational services in juvenile correctional facilities. Safety & Emergency Services Journal.


Christian, D. D. (2021). Exploring the dangers of youth confinement in the United States. Safety & Emergency Services Journal. 


Christian, D. D. (2020). Down, out, and under arrest: Policing and everyday life in Skid Row, 1st edition. Policing & Society, 30(9), 1115–1118.


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